duminică, 14 august 2011

May God Protect Us! (photos)

* The photos were taken this summer, on the 29th of July.

From the top : the first two are photos of the "House with Lions"cramped by other old and new buildings, as one can see from the tour of the Mosque in Constanta. It is a"protected" monument and though one cannot see improvement in its state of being or, at least, an attempt of it, one can see, through the window, signs of human presence. (photos 12 and 13)

The next one is taken of the old Casino, inaugurated in 1910, a very expensive and luxurious restaurant in the communist period and nothing nowadays. It needs, like many others, to be reconditioned.

The next photos are examples of decayed buildings that can endanger the people passing by. (The sign on one of them says : lit.trans. "danger of detachment of the cornice and pieces of masonry.") The 7th photo is that of an unattended old house "for sale".
The 8th, 9th and 10th , clockwise, are photos of an old hotel where Romania's most beloved poet, Mihai Eminescu, stayed for ten days, in June 1882, now, a
place, like many others, where the
officials placed the poor families. One can notice the clothes hanging outside the windows.

P.S. I will take the opportunity and apologize to the current owner of the "House with Lions" for "snooping" inside, through the window, with my mobile cam to admire how he managed to accessorize with empty plastic bottles and a bicycle, the eclectic style of the building combining Swiss Baroque and Renascence. elements.

May God Protect Us!

I am laying here, talking to you without making a sound, in the same place I was born, came of age and decayed, some meters away from the buzzling piazza of old Constanta. Once I had a saying in the people's finances. I was also admired for my exquisite collection of paintings, but most of all, I had a name, a powerful one.
Time shows no mercy to no one and we all know that, even you who pass by me everyday without even giving me or the others a glimpse. I understand you as I understood all of you who passed me by with an appetite for Turkish kebabs and for strolling down the quay of the Black Sea. But one day when the sun will bother you eyes, you will see that I am no longer of this world.
Some of you had taken notice of me and tried to show that you are Protecting me by leaving your traces all over my pale decrepit body. This is how you show your appreciation for the Beautiful Arts! I could laugh, but I am afraid to be shaken to the core and disappear sooner than expected.
I wanted to be part of your history and your lives. Many years I thought I am punished for being alive in that time between the two world wars and for rejoicing in the attention that your elders bestowed upon me. The irony is I got what I wanted and along with others of my time, I am part of your history and your lives, I am your conscience, your character, your interests.
We follow you everywhere, not just in old Constanta because, my darlings, we are walking next to each other.
Because you love the kitsch, I have scratches. Because you focus on the new, I am ignored with stitches saying I am Protected. Because you love the entertainment, I became the buffoon. You can only masticate Art when it lowers itself to you.
My dear powerful people of our days, us and your subjects may be decaying, but you never existed!

*The old part of Constanta, the biggest Romanian city situated on the coast of the Black Sea, hosts many buildings dating from the period between the two World Wars and before the First World War.
Among these are the Museum of National History and Archaeology, the House with Lions (lit. translation), the Casino situated on the quays and other private houses belonging to the Art Nouveau (and even Renascence, Swiss Baroque) architectural style.
Many of these are supposed to be renovated and on their walls or doors it is stated that they are protected by Romanian laws .
Unfortunately, this is just an empty statement and many scandals and shameful rumors are part of their story, nowadays. These buildings, the streets along with the ruins and objects belonging to the ancient Tomis (Constanta's original name), a settlement founded by Greek merchants, are vital for the touristic activities of the place. The general opinion is that the officials either leave them unattended or let others do the neglecting, placing poor people to live inside them until they fall apart. After that, they can be sold, by the rule of nepotism, to their close ones or to others, by the rule of the richest.

duminică, 31 octombrie 2010

Don't wanna talk about it

We all want something or someone extraordinary to happen to us, but when that something or someone happens and has to disappear, obviously leaving us with nothing, should we gather up the crumbles laying on the floor or just don't give a damn?

My crumble, in this case, is that my someone is a very good match for me.My "don't wanna talk about it" is that there are 0.1% chances he'll be mine once again or continue to be mine.I hate the time and the distance, but i especially hate the distance in Norway.(It's too expensive to maintain a slightly normal relationship.)

joi, 25 februarie 2010

Jurnal cu buzunare sparte

E tarziu . Ceasul de la mana ticaie grabit.Se uita la el dar nu reuseste sa-si dea seama ce ora este. "Sa fie 2, sa fie 3 dupa miezul noptii?" Nu stie.Isi trage fotoliul in fata geamului, se asaza si isi aprinde tremurat o tigara. "E prea tarziu si totusi nu pot adormi."Maine va avea o zi incarcata. "Ce maine?! Azi." Acusi.Peste 4 sau 5 ore.Deschide fereastra sa alunge aerul greu al fumului de tigara. "Cate am fumat oare?" Demult nu isi permitea sa fumeze in camera.Parintii ar fi aflat si s-ar fi facut de toata rusinea.Isi aminteste de predicile pe care i le tineau, uneori ore in sir, despre "ce nu se cuvine sa faca un om binecrescut".
E tarziu.Din cand in cand o masina zgarie tacerea, iar zgomotul ei intarata haitele de caini."Oare cine latra mai tare: cainii, masinile sau oamenii?" Isi aminteste de ei si de tot balciul petrecut cu cateva ore in urma."De ce te crezi asa mare si tare?" "Nu imi place fata ta, ar trebui sa iei in considerare o operatie estetica." "Atitudinea ta jigneste." I-au aruncat in fata, la intalnire, tot felul de cuvinte grele si tot ceea ce a facut a fost sa spuna ca relatiile dintre ei sunt pline de falsitate."De parca tu nu ai fi furat vreodata munca altuia.Nu te mai crede asa de sfant...Pe bune, acum: chiar nu ai copiat niciodata?! Chiar nu ne-ai barfit?!" Nu isi aduce aminte sa fi facut ceva inadecvat.Poate a facut...Poate au dreptate. "In fine, da-i dracu!"
Vorbesc intruna si fara noima, dar nu viata lor de zi cu zi se afla pe fiecare stalp din oras."Naiba i-a pus sa umble in bagaj si sa imi fure agenda." Nu are nimic de ascuns, dar chiar nu era nevoie sa isi poarte peste tot ideile... Mai devreme sau mai tarziu tot ar fi aflat.Dar nu au aflat totul.
Se ridica din fotoliu si incepe sa strabata camera cu pasi repezi. Asa face de fiecare data cand cauta o solutie. A zecea oara cand ajunge in fata ferestrei se opreste.Arunca un zambet luminat, noptii."Hm, daca ar sti ca toate povestile mele sunt, de fapt, ale lor..."

miercuri, 24 februarie 2010

In stare mecanica.

Aceasta nu va fi o postare despre viata de zi cu zi.Nu voi discuta subiecte politice sau ultimele barfe.(De parca as fi discutat vreodata vreun "scoop"...) Nu voi vorbi despre rufele murdare sau din cale afara de curate ale nimanui.Aceasta nu va fi o pagina din viata mea, ci o propunere.Dupa ce veti fi citit frazele astea, puneti-va o intrebare care sa inceapa cu "De ce...?" Daca veti descoperi ceva interesant, raspundeti-mi doar printr-un "Da".
De ce am facut propunerea asta?Sincer, nu stiu.

P.S. Si orice ati face, sa nu va plictisiti.

sâmbătă, 28 noiembrie 2009

Sperietura de la ora 6

Dupa ce termin frumusel de scris ce aveam de spus, ma trezesc ca imi "zambeste" sadic Prostanacu'.Se apucase sa "invinga" pe blogul meu prin google adds.Din fericire, l-am observat la timp si i-am stopat expansiunea. P.S. se pare ca nu numai mie mi-a facut surprize placute.:))

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

Pentru ca viata e roz si mainile noastre miros degeaba a cerneala.

Toti sunt speriati de gripa porcina, de virusul gripal necunoscut care carbonizeaza plamani prin Ucraina.Pe mine m-a scuturat putin o traheo-bronsita acuta.( in traducere libera, ceva neinteresant, dar care m-a scos din circulatie o saptamana cu febra de 38, 39, greturi, dureri de spate si alte chestii pe care orice om si le "doreste".)
Intre timp, lumea a votat, a iubit, a murit, a scris stiri, a trait.Daca as fi votat ca lumea personajele care intra in al doilea tur de scrutin, m-as fi rugat sa ma doboare de tot traheo-bronsita.Dar "eu cu cine votez?!" e o cu totul alta poveste, de care, se pare ca romanul INCA(?!?!) nu s-a saturat.
Spre ce ne indreptam? Am sa intreb un boschetar.Cu siguranta voi afla chestii interesante pe care am sa vi le spun si voua.Promit.(solemn!)